# Introduction of Lock Screen

# 1 Basic Information

# 1.1 Listing area

In IN and ID need (special approval)

AE United Arab Emirates
AR Argentina
AU Australia
BD Bangladesh
BE Belgium
BH Bahrain
BO Bolivia
BR Brazil
CH Switzerland
CL Chile
CO Colombia
CR Costa Rica
DE Germany
DK Denmark
DO Dominican Republic
DZ Algeria
EC Ecuador
EE Estonia
EG Egypt
ES Spain
FI Finland
FR France
GB United Kingdom
GE Georgia
GR Greece
GT Guatemala
HN Honduras
HR Croatia
ID Indonesia
IL Israel
IN India
IQ Iraq
IT Italy
JM Jamaica
JO Jordan
JP Japan
KE Kenya
KR South Korea
KW Kuwait
MA Morocco
MX Mexico
MY Malaysia
NG Nigeria
NI Nicaragua
NL Netherlands
NO Norway
OM Oman
PA Panama
PE Peru
PH Philippines
PK Pakistan
PL Poland
PS Palestine
PT Portugal
PY Paraguay
QA Qatar
RU Russia
SA Saudi Arabia
SG Singapore
TH Thailand
TN Tunisia
TR Turkey
UA Ukraine
UY Uruguay
VN Vietnam
ZA South Africa

# 1.2 Pricing Card

Support CPC and CPI model for both

The bid is the same as the Icon, native placement

# 2 Ad Format

# 2.1 Material standard: In Europe, Southeast Asia, Latin America, Middle East, etc.

Material requirements for delivery regions (different regions have different requirements)

  • Icon: format jpg/png/jpeg, picture size 84*84, file size<=100KB
  • Picture: format jpg/png/jpeg, picture size 720*1600, file size<=500KB
  • Ad title: no more than 30 characters
  • Ad description: no more than 80 characters
  • Button text: no more than 15 characters
  • Wallpaper: The top of the delivered material needs to leave blank space for the top clock and copy area, otherwise it will be blocked.
  • Copywriting: Provide users with valuable information (problem-solving orientation), interrogative sentences, emoji, local hot words, etc.

Bad Case(The clock area is blocked, affecting the delivery effect)


# 2.2 Material standard: In IN,ID

  • 文案素材要求:
