# Mi Ads Usage Guide

# 1. Registering and Creating Account

# 1.1 Register/sign in to Xiaomi Account

Go to the Mi Ads official website: http://global.e.mi.com/. On the homepage, click Get Start to sign in or sign up for a Xiaomi Account. We recommend registering with your company's public email address in case of account transfer in the future.

Note: Currently, Mainland China IP only supports mobile phone number registration.

# 1.2 Register a Mi Ads Account

# 1.2.1 Register an Advertiser Account

Sign into your Xiaomi Account to register a Mi Ads platform account.Advertiser Account Registration Process:

  • Select advertiser as the account type
  • Enter your company and contact information, and select the settlement entity
Country/region Xiaomi Entity Settlement Currency Corresponding Contract Version
Indonesia Xiaomi Singapore USD only Xiaomi Singapore ID version
Russia Hong Kong iValley USD only RU version
India Xiaomi India INR only IN universal version
Mainland China Xiaomi Singapore RMB only Xiaomi Singapore universal version
Other countries/regions (Except Singapore) Xiaomi Singapore USD, RMB Xiaomi Singapore universal version
Xiaomi India USD, INR IN universal version
  • By ticking the "I've read and agreed" box for online agreement, you fully understand and accept all terms under this agreement
  • Upload enterprise qualifications and submit for review

Note: In the registered company name column, if the customer company name contains parentheses, use halfwidth or fullwidth form as needed.Company

Keep the company name and capitalization consistent with the business license information.

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# 1.2.2 Register a Core Agency Account

The steps for creating an core agency account are the same as those for the advertiser account. Select core agency as the account type. The core agency account can create secondary agent accounts for multiple companies and can conduct unified management and distribution.

The account information page is the same as the advertiser account creating steps.On the advertising qualifications page, the core agency needs to upload a screenshot of the shop details page on the company registration certificate. If only the main body of the promotion is listed on GetApps, and it is therefore difficult to obtain a screenshot of the details page, you can contact the relevant sales team and AM.

# 1.3 Account Review

After registration is completed, our staff will complete the review within one working day. The result of the review will be displayed on the account information page, and will also be sent to the contact person's email address.

If you fail to pass the review, please edit the information on the information page and re-submit. If you pass the review, this means that the account creating process has been completed, and ads can be placed after topping-up.

# 1.4 Edit Account Information

After successfully registering and entering the start page, you can click on the right side of the navigation bar to make changes through the account information page. After you edit again, the account will re-enter the review stage.

Note: When the account is under review, its internal advertising will be affected. Please choose carefully when to make changes.

# 1.5 Top-up Process

# 1.5.1 Advertiser Account

AM staff will top up automatically

# 1.5.2 Agency Account

① If the prepayment contract is signed, the agent will send an email to the corresponding sale team and AM after making payment to Xiaomi's main account, along with the POP, top-up account, top-up amount and top-up transfer records attached to the email. After completing the account top-up, the account balance will increase by the corresponding amount within 1 working day.

② If the post-payment contract is signed, the agent will send an email to the corresponding sales team and AM, with the POP, top-up account number and top-up amount attached to the email. Our staff will then complete the account top-up within 1 working day. When the account's contract period expires, settlement will be completed based on the actual account costs.

Reminder: Please send a top-up application via email in advance to ensure that the account has a sufficient balance and that the account's ads will not be affected.

# 2. Advertising Overview

On the start page, you can view the account's overall status, including its balance, advertising statistics, media review, rejection history,

and information such as real-time costs, ad distribution, and circulation trends.

# 3. Advertising Management

The Advertising Management module can create campaigns (ad groups/creatives), conduct searching and filtering of campaigns (ad groups/creatives), batch operations, custom arrangements, and other functions.

# 3.1 Ad Creation

Ad levels: campaign - ad group - ad creative


# 3.1.1 Create an Campaign

  • Set marketing objectives, i.e. performance/brand
  • Set campaign

① Enter campaign name

② Set the promotion target, i.e. app downloaded/not downloaded

Suggestion: If the promotion target is app download/activation, please select app download. If the promotion target is a H5/website asvertising, please select non-download.


# 3.1.2 Create Ad Group

The Mi Ads platform allows for a great number of advertising types and crowd targeting to help you accurately target your desired audience.

  • Set marketing objectives, i.e. performance/brand
  • Set ad group

① Select the corresponding campaign name

② Enter the ad group name

  • Set promotion target

①Select the promotion channel, i.e. GetApps/Google Play Store

- If the download channel is GetApps, please ensure that the app is normally available on GetApps. To understand the process of app listing on the GetApps, please sign inio GetApps developer platform Mi Developer (opens new window)


②Select the target group that matches the promotion target

App install:

- Not currently installed: Attract more users to install your app by distributing to users who currently haven't installed

- Not installed within 90 days: Attract users who have not re-installed your app to install it by distributing to users who have not installed it within 90 days by default

- Never installed: Attract more new users to install your app by distributing to users who do not currently have the app installed


- Already installed: Attract users to use your app more by distributing to users who have already installed the app by default

User coverage:

- All users: Display ads to as many users as possible by distributing them to all users by default

  • Determine placement

① Select placement, namely the banner/interstitial/rewarded video/PUSH/Icon/information stream/SMS/wallpaper carousel


After selecting a placement, you can view the placement example on the right side


② Select publisher/Advertising space, different placements correspond to different publishers/ads

  • Set orientation

① User types: country/region, gender, age, language

② Device: network/carrier/model/system version

③ User behavior:app install/app behavior/app usage time, etc.

④ Other: audience, excluded audience, exceptions

After selecting, on the right you can view the audience size, estimated maximum daily exposure, and estimated maximum number of users

  • Set budget and schedule

① Time zone: UTC+0, UTC+1 ~ UTC+12:00, UTC-1 ~ UTC−12:00

② Time: Custom time period, or don't set end time

③ Time period: all-day distribution, or time-based distribution

④ Total budget: Set the total budget

⑤ Daily budget: Set the daily budget

  • Set bid

Brand ad billing method: Volume guaranteed CPM (billed by impressions), CPT (billed by duration)

Result ad billing method: CPA (billed by conversions), CPC (billed by clicks)

# 3.1.3 Create Ad Creative

  • Set marketing objectives, i.e. performance/brand
  • Set ad creative

① Select the corresponding campaign name

② Select the corresponding ad group name

③ Enter creative name

  • Select the ad format type. Different ad slots correspond to different ad formats.
  • Upload ad material information

Ad materials correspond to ad formats. Different ad formats have different material requirements.

*Interstitial image*

- Image: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 1200*628, file size<=500KB, upload up to 5 images

- Icon: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 84*84, file size<=100KB

- Ad title: No more than 30 characters

- Ad description: No more than 80 characters; upload up to 3 items

- Button text: No more than 15 characters; upload up to 3 items

*Interstitial video*

- Video: Duration 0-30s, format MP4, file size<=10MB, upload up to 5 videos

- Image: Format jpg/png/jpeg, file size<=500KB, upload 1 image only

- Icon: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 84*84, file size<=100KB

- Ad title: No more than 30 characters

- Ad description: No more than 80 characters; upload up to 3 items

- Button text: No more than 15 characters; upload up to 3 items

*Rewarded video*

- Video: Duration 0-30s, format mp4, file size<=10MB, upload up to 5 videos

- Image: Format jpg/png/jpeg, file size<=500KB, upload 1 image only

- Icon: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 84*84, file size<=100KB

- Ad title: No more than 30 characters

- Ad description: No more than 80 characters; upload up to 3 items

- Button text: no more than 15 characters; upload up to 3 items

*Large image*

- Image: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 800*360, file size<=1024KB, upload up to 5 images

- Icon: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 180*180, file size<=100KB

- Ad title: No more than 30 characters

- Ad description: No more than 40 characters; upload up to 3 items

- Top button: Confirm whether to allow


- Icon: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 180*180, file size<=100KB

- Ad title: No more than 30 characters

- Ad description: No more than 40 characters; upload up to 3 items

*Custom background*

- Icon: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 180*120, file size<=100KB

- Ad title: No more than 30 characters

- Ad description: No more than 40 characters; upload up to 3 items

- Background color: optional

*Icon small card*

- Icon: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 84*84, file size<=100KB

- Ad title: No more than 30 characters

- Ad description: No more than 80 characters

*Newsfeed video*

- Video: Duration 0-30s, format MP4, file size<=10MB, upload up to 5 videos

- Icon: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 84*84, file size<=100KB

- Ad title: No more than 30 characters

- Ad description: No more than 80 characters; upload up to 3 items

- Button text: No more than 15 characters; upload up to 3 items

*Large newsfeed image*

- Image: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 1200*628, file size<=500KB, upload up to 10 images

- Materials can be uploaded locally or from media center

- Icon: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 84*84, file size<=100KB

- Ad title: No more than 30 characters

- Ad description: No more than 80 characters; upload up to 3 items

- Button text: No more than 15 characters; upload up to 3 items

*OTA app recommendations*

- Icon: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 84*84, file size<=100KB

- Ad title: No more than 30 characters

- Ad description: No more than 80 characters

*Startup guide app download*

- Icon: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 84*84, file size<=100KB

- Ad title: No more than 30 characters

- Ad description: No more than 80 characters

*OTA mandatory pre-install*

- Icon: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 84*84, file size<=100KB

- Ad title: No more than 30 characters

- Ad description: No more than 80 characters


- Image: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 640*100, file size<=500KB, upload up to 5 images


- Image: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 600*500, file size<=500KB, upload up to 5 images

- Icon: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 180*180, file size<=100KB

- Business phone number

- Business name: No more than 9 characters

- Ad description: No more than 40 characters; URL is required


- Business phone number

- Business name: No more than 9 characters

- Ad subtitle 1: No more than 30 characters; optional

- Ad subtitle 2: No more than 30 characters; optional

- Ad subtitle 3: No more than 30 characters; optional

- Ad description: No more than 40 characters; URL is required

- Button text 1: No more than 28 characters

- Button text 2: No more than 28 characters

*Rich media*

- Icon: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 800*450, file size<=200KB

- Business phone number

- Business name: No more than 9 characters

- Ad description: No more than 40 characters; URL is required

- Button text 1: No more than 28 characters

*Wallpaper carousel*

- Image: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 720*1600, file size<=500KB

- Icon: Format jpg/png/jpeg, size 84*84, file size<=100KB

- Ad title: No more than 30 characters

- Ad description: No more than 80 characters

- Button text: No more than 15 characters

After you upload multiple sets of creative media, the system will automatically create a high quality combination of your creative media according to your audience and ad placement, and select various components of the ad (images, videos, text, and action-oriented text, etc.) to generate different creative solutions to achieve the best distribution effect.

⑤ Real-time ad preview function

-After adding material information, you can preview the ad effect on the right side.The preview is for your reference only. The actual user interface may vary due to factors such as their device or language.

  • Upload address and monitoring information

① Click address: The landing page address, the URL that users are directed to after clicking the ad (required)

② Deeplink: The in-app page URL that the user is directed to after clicking the ad (optional)

③ Impressions monitoring: After the ad is released, you can enter the impression attribution URL of the third parties to get more conversions (optional)

④ Video impressions monitoring: The video playing track URL of starting playing, playing to 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 (optional)

# 3.2 Ad Review

After the ad is created, it will be sent to the ad management page. After the ad group and ad creative are created, they need to be manually submitted for review.

# 3.2.1 Submit for Review

Once created, you will see that the ad group/creative has the status of "To be submitted" on the list page. Click the review button next to "Review Status" to submit it for review. Its status will change to "Under review". Reminder: Once the ad group/creative has been created, you need to manually submit for review, otherwise its status will remain as "To be submitted".

# 3.2.2 Review Cycle

Same as the time for the account review, the ad review time is from Monday to Friday. Ads submitted during working days will be reviewed before 18:30 Beijing time during the period. For assistance, please contact the sales team.All content in the ad is subject to review, including but not limited to headlines, descriptions, keywords, objectives, all images and videos. Your ad may not be approved if the landing page content is not fully functional, does not match the advertised product or service, or does not fully comply with our advertising policies.

Our advertising policy: Advertising Policies of Xiaomi_V.1.0.pdf - Lark Cloud Documents (mioffice.cn) (opens new window)

# 3.2.3 View Review Results

The results of the review and reasons for rejection will be displayed in the review status column of ad management. Hover over ad status ⚠ to view

the reason why the ad was not distributed. If the ad distribution button is on, it will automatically start distribution after passing the review.

# 3.3 Ad List

  • Search and filter: Quickly filter desired ads for different promotion objectives, ad status, placement, and publisher information
  • Batch operation: After checking the ad campaign (group/creative), you can start/pause or delete ads in batches
  • Custom columns: Display more metrics data in a list, including basic data, in-app data, and video data
  • List operations - edit, copy, delete

① Edit: Modify ad information (some information can't be modified on the edit page)

- Modify the ad group's app package name, the distribution area, publisher's pushes, or any other creative ad information

(except for the ad's creative name). This will trigger the review process and your ad will need to be resubmitted for review.

② Copy:

—Quick copy&paste: Fill in the same content, and everything can be modified

—Copy and create: Create an identical campaign/ad group/creation, and by copying a certain campaign,

a campaign, the corresponding ad group and creative under the campaign will also be copied.

③ Delete:

- A deleting operation will also delete associated content. If a campaign is deleted, the corresponding ad groups and creatives under the campaign will also be deleted.

④ Quick edit:

- Hover over the ad group/creative in this row, and click ✏ on the right side to modify the name, ad group budget and bid in the list page.

Note: The cost generated by the deleted ad group/creative will still be reflected in the cost data of the previous level and the data report page.

# 4. Data Analysis

On this page, you can see the distribution data of each of the account's dimensions, track daily data, verify accounts, and download the queried reports.

  • Filter dimensions: Performance/brand, ad campaign /group/creative, ad space, country/region, and publisher
  • Grouping dimensions: Ad campaign/group/creative, country/region, ad slot, and publisher
  • Query method: Total, date, hour (real-time update)
  • Statistical metrics: Basic performance data (impressions, clicks, cost, conversions, etc.); in-app data, video playback data (can be viewed by customizing columns)

# 5. Financial Management


This page records financial information such as transfers in and out of the account.

  • Search

​ - View by transferring in/out

​ - Search by time

  • Financial content information: Date of successful transfer, transfer account ID, transfer agency account, transfer type, transfer amount, operator, and remarks

# 6. Tool Center

# 6.1 Audience Management

In the audience management module, you can create new audience, customize searches for audience, conduct batch operations and so on.

# 6.1.1 Create Audience

Properly setting up ad audiences to acquire customers has a significant impact on improving acquisition and remarketing performance. The Mi Ads platform currently supports ad group uploading for audience management.

  • Advertiser uploading

① Enter audience name

② Set country/region, i.e. Indian cluster, Russian cluster, or Singapore cluster

③ Set file type, i.e. GAID raw value or GAID-MD5 encryption

④ Upload files. Local file import and HDFS import are supported.

Note: The number of local file imports and HDFS imports can't be less than 1000. When importing a local file, each piece of data is separated by a newline. The file should be in TXT format, and the file size can't exceed 64MB. For details, please refer to the crowd import template.

  • Select labels

① Enter audience name

② Set country/region, i.e. Indian cluster, Russian cluster, or Singapore cluster

③ App behavior information: App installs, not installed apps, app behaviors, app installs by categories, not installed apps by categories, app behaviors by categories, app usage time, and app usage time by categories

④ Portrait information: The crowd packages generated by the portrait platform can be integrated, and can be auto updated.

Attention: The portrait crowd package's auto update requires that the status of the ad group is under delivering and the auto update option is checked on the portrait platform

  • Select country/region
  • Select audience type
  • Search by audience ID or keywords

# 6.1.3 Batch Deletion

  • Batch deletion: After checking the audience names, you can delete audiences in batches

# 6.2 Operation Logs

This page records all operations occurred under the signed in account. If there is a problem, it can be traced and the log report can also be downloaded.

  • Custom search dimensions:

- Search by object name/ID

- Search by object (campaign/ad group/ad creative)

- Search by operation (submitted for review, review approved, review failed, create, edit, copy, and delete)

- Filter by time

  • Log content: Operation object, object ID, object name, operation type, before operation, after operation, operator, operation role, and operation time

# 6.3 Media Center

The ad creatives media library can effectively accumulate high-quality media information flow as per Ad Network's three areas, expand the media source material set of Native ads, and generate accurate recommendations in the process of creating ads.

  • Media search dimensions:

- Search by package name

- Search by source

- Search by media ID

- Search by country/region

- Filter by time

  • Media Center Display Information: MediaID, Impressions, Clicks/taps, Cost, Conversions, CTR, CVR, ECPM

# 7. (New) announcement notice

# 7.1 Miads Core agency Operation

# 7.2 Ads Resources

# 7.3 Ads Direction

# 7.4 NEW function